
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Daviess county, Kentucky, USA



Matches 1 to 14 of 14

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Faith, Alexander Chapman  Mar 09, 1849Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134114
2 Faith, Altha Mamie  Aug 16, 1898Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134119
3 Faith, Elizabeth Jane  1877Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134128
4 Faith, Emma  1879Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134129
5 Faith, Iva  1881Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134130
6 Faith, John William  Dec 01, 1871Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134126
7 Faith, Lou Vada  Aug 08, 1897Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134120
8 Faith, Martha  Apr 1886Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134132
9 Faith, Murray  Apr 16, 1875Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134127
10 Faith, Robert  Oct 1889Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134133
11 Faith, Wilbur Sturman  1883Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134131
12 Waltrip, John L.  1832Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134134
13 Waltrip, Laura  Oct 07, 1852Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134115
14 Waltrip, Laura  circa 1878Daviess county, Kentucky, USA I134116


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Faith / Waltrip  Feb 16, 1871Daviess county, Kentucky, USA F43716
2 Faith / Waltrip  Jan 09, 1896Daviess county, Kentucky, USA F43717