
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA



Matches 1 to 16 of 16

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Cloud, Ruth S.  Sep 28, 1912Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I149539
2 Cloud, Virginia Lois  Jan 13, 1929Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I201225
3 Cloud, Wilma Maxine  Jan 22, 1921Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I149540
4 Garner, Custis Robert Jr.  May 28, 1919Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I213845
5 Holt, Jack Vernon  Dec 14, 1925Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209702
6 LaFrance, Clinton Ewell  Aug 09, 1948Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I210893
7 LaFrance, James Marvin  Dec 23, 1941Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I210895
8 Scott, Stephen Franklin II  Nov 23, 1946Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I201230
9 Shelly, Alvis Edward  Aug 12, 1923Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209712
10 Shelly, Charles Oakley  Mar 20, 1920Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209718
11 Shelly, Juanita  Oct 16, 1927Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209700
12 Sweeney, Maud  Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I9781
13 Thweatt, Dona Elizabeth  May 03, 1902Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I55835
14 Thweatt, M.O.  Feb 19, 1909Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I55942
15 Thweatt, Spain  Jun 22, 1905Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I55941
16 Wise, Jamie Lynn  Jul 07, 1953Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I189276


Matches 1 to 50 of 57

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 Abney, Ora Alvis  Jan 30, 1967Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I200085
2 Barnes, Isa Leone  Jul 23, 1981Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I178012
3 Bilderback, Eula Viola  Oct 16, 1962Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209692
4 Bilderback, Mary Ella  Apr 30, 1972Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209694
5 Bilderback, William Ephriam  May 05, 1952Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209695
6 Bone, Ira Leonard  2002Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I118485
7 Chambers, Delia Gladys  Aug 12, 1980Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209087
8 Charlton, Agnes Adaline  Jul 09, 1968Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I189300
9 Cloud, Cyril K.  Jul 1977Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I134382
10 Cloud, Delton Monroe  Dec 14, 1931Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I66379
11 Cloud, Homer Fay Jr.  Dec 12, 1969Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I75590
12 Cloud, Opal Annette  Feb 18, 1940Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I149547
13 Cloud, Ruth S.  Aug 02, 1995Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I149539
14 Cloud, Virginia Lois  Mar 06, 1929Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I201225
15 Cloud, Wilma Maxine  Sep 18, 2002Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I149540
16 Coles, Mary Ann  Aug 09, 1920Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I194287
17 Criswell, Vaneta Irene  Dec 10, 1996Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I125583
18 Davenport, Wayman Marshall  Feb 08, 1976Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209078
19 Davis, Stafford Swenson  Jul 22, 1957Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I165915
20 Deadwiley, Charles C.  Jan 24, 1962Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I199146
21 Douglas, Hazeltine Grey  Mar 11, 1955Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I130301
22 Duncan, Dorothy Louise  Apr 09, 1955Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I201228
23 Frady, Nancy Ann  Mar 24, 1932Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209691
24 Frazier, Lester Samuel  Aug 20, 1960Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I1046
25 Futch, Mary Mozella  Dec 02, 1977Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I22642
26 Hays, Mike Y.  Sep 30, 1962Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I160324
27 Herring, Lewis Barclay Jr.  Sep 02, 1970Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I56112
28 Hicks, Winnie Mae  Sep 23, 1973Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I48830
29 Hooks, William Ralph  Jul 02, 1987Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I190930
30 Jacobson, Donald Romaine  Aug 04, 1963Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I75607
31 Johnson, Edwin Scott  May 26, 2002Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I204263
32 Johnson, Joseph Lenard  Mar 26, 1993Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I198655
33 Johnson, Kenneth Joe  Aug 08, 1987Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I204279
34 Jones, Neweta  Jul 03, 1986Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I163957
35 Lloyd, Emma Helen  Mar 21, 1980Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I190908
36 Love, Mary Elizabeth  May 08, 1983Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I213838
37 Messer, Thomas Jefferson  Jul 14, 1986Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I114881
38 Napier, Jesse Franklin  Dec 1976Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I1281
39 Oakley, James William  Oct 22, 1960Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209696
40 Richardson, Dulcie Lee  Nov 04, 1981Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I149537
41 Rowe, Guy Landis  Dec 1962Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I70346
42 Scott, Stephen Franklin II  Aug 02, 1989Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I201230
43 Scott, Stephen Franklin  Sep 24, 2001Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I201229
44 Seabourn, Pauline  May 24, 1990Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I172861
45 Seale, William Burrel  Mar 16, 1978Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I103479
46 Shelly, John Alvis  Feb 17, 1927Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I209697
47 Sneed, Joseph Tyre Jr.  Oct 15, 1940Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I213839
48 Stafford, Violet Mae  Dec 30, 2004Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I150035
49 Tekell, Steven Michael  Aug 26, 1955Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I205697
50 Thomas, Ermine Ida  Nov 08, 2002Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I204264

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Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Buried    Person ID 
1 Barnes, Isa Leone  Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I178012
2 Hays, Mike Y.  Oct 02, 1962Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I160324


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Census    Person ID 
1 Apel, Rosa Louise  1940Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I160095
2 Cloud, Richard Delton "R.D."  1940Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I160096
3 Cloud, Willis D. (Delton ?)  1940Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I149538


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Apel, Rosa Louise  1948Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I160095
2 Beleu, Pauline R.  1953Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I199834
3 Cloud, Willis D. (Delton ?)  1948Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA I149538


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Garner / Love  Oct 15, 1944Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA F72871
2 Maxey / Taylor  Dec 23, 1939Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA F58702
3 Shelly / Hopkins  Dec 17, 1982Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA F71154


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Divorced    Family ID 
1 Shelly / Hopkins  Feb 23, 1983Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA F71154