Cloud Wills:  A new message, "Will of James Cloud, Chester District, - 1819", was posted by Gail Manac <> on Mon, 05 Apr 1999.

Will of James Cloud, Chester District, - 1819

Posted by Gail Manac <> on Mon, 05 Apr 1999


I James Cloud of the District of Chester and state of South Carolina having perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for his mercies and as it is apointed for all men one to die I make this my Last will and testament in the first place I resigne my soul to God who gave it hoping through the mercies of Jesus Christ I shall Receive it in Glory and as Touching such worldly substance as it hath pleased God to bless with I Give and Dispose of in the following maner Viz I give and bequeath my beloved wife Jennet Cloud two Negroes women named Hannah & Tinne also a Negro girl named Lucy and my dwelling house and one third of my land in any part she sees cause to take it and the whole of my stock Viz cattle horses hogs and sheep with household and kitchen furniture plantation tools wagons and other carriages and also the crop of corn and cotton that may be on said plantation with whatsoever money that may be in my possession to be her property without molestation during her widowhood and at her death to dispose of as she thinks proper among her children and grandchildren-- Likewise also I give my sd wife a negro boy named Tom and one named Peter the latter of which she is at liberty at any time to give to her daughter Jennet Hemphill or her heir and at her death if not before to go to the said Jennet and her heirs and the said Negro Tom she is at liberty to dispose of as she may think fit & proper I also give and bequeth unto my daughter Elizabeth Boyd one Negro woman named Caty with her children and one Negro boy named George also I give unto my Grandson James Cloud Boyd one Negro boy named Henry on provison his father Charles Boyd brings no bill against my estate I also give my grandson Leroy & William Boyd fifty dollars each I also give and bequeth unto my daughter Sarah Hicklin two Negroe women named Amy and Fanny with their children which Negro I have made to her during her natural life and at her death to the heirs of her body by a deed of Trust and I also give unto my Granddaughter Ginet Hicklin one negro girl named Nancy I also give and bequeth unto my daughter Ginnet Hemphill one Negro woman named Nore and one named Rachel and one Negroe man named Louis but provided she dies without issue or such issue dies in non age her husband retain Nore and Lewis is given hereby to my son William and Rachel is to be divided between her sisters & brothers I do also give and bequeth unto my son William cloud three negro men named Jack Bristo & Sam and one girl named Zilpha also the whole of my lands except that part heretofore disposed of to my said wife But in case my son William should die leaving no heir of his body or in case all his issue (if any he should have) should die minors then all the property both real & personal herein left to him shall return to his other heirs at law except Sam who must go to my daughter Genet Hemphill also I give and bequeth unto my daughter Mary Hicklin the sum of twenty dollars In the last place I do constitute and appoint by this my last will & testament Danl Green John McCreary & my son Wm Cloud to be my executors to execute and carry this my last will and testament into effect In witmess whereof I have hereunto set my hand and afixed my Seal this twenty first Day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen Wm Anderson Daniel Green John Rodiment James Cloud (LS)

   South Carolina} By John Rasborough Esquire Ordinary
 Chester District} of said District
Personally appeared William Anderson and Daniel Green before me and being duly sworn made oath that they saw James Cloud sign seal publish ? and declare the written to be and ? his last will and testament that he the said James Cloud was then of sound and disposing mind memory and under- standing to the best of the deponants knowledge and belief and that they together with John Rodiment did sign as witness ? at the request of the testator in his presence.

Wm Anderson Dl Green

At the same time qualified William Cloud
as excutor; and Daniel Green one of the
other excutors ? qualify & ??? the executor
of ? sworn to & ? this 6th day of
Mar 1820

J Rosborough

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