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- 1851 Census England LDS Film 0087341
Name, Relation:, Mar, Age, Sex, Occupation, Birthplace
James Robbins, Head, M, 28, m, Farm Lab, Radford-Semele, Warwick
Mary Ann Robbins, Wife, M, 24, f, Seamstress, Coventry- Warwick
Utah Since State: Historical and Biographical. Volume II.
There is probably no man better known in grain and milling circles in Utah than David Robbins, of Salt Lake, City, the president of the Utah-Idaho Grain Exchange. He was born February 13, 1872, in the city which is, still his home, his parents being James and Ann (Adamson) Robbins, the former a native of England, while, the latter was born in Scotland. They emigrated to America in early life and were numbered among the, pioneer settlers of Utah, taking up their abode in Salt Lake. The father was one of the early contractors of, the city and attained prominence in this connection. He was awarded a contract in connection with the, building of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad to Salt Lake and the terminus at Ogden. He afterward entered, mercantile circles in Salt Lake and his last days were spent in Denver, Colorado, where he passed away in, 1886. His widow survived for an extended period, her death occuring in Los Angeles, California, in 1912.
Ann Robins
Age in 1870:, 29
Estimated Birth Year:, 1840
Birthplace:, Scotland
Home in 1870:, Salt Lake City Ward 8, Salt Lake, Utah Territory
Race:, White
Gender:, F
Value of real estate:, View Image
Post Office:, Salt Lake City
Roll:, M593_1611
Page:, 598
Their family numbered six children, namely: Henry, Alfred J., Samuel E., Mrs. J. H. McChrystal, Mrs. J. W.
McAllister and David.
Source Information:
1880 Census Place Salina, Sevier, Utah
Page Number, 489B
James ROBBINS, Self, M, M, W, 57, ENG, Retail Dealer, ENG, ENG
Ann ROBBINS, Wife, M, F, W, 39, SCOT, Assistant, SCOT, SCOT
Henry ROBBINS, Son, S, M, W, 14, UT, Saloon Keeper, ENG, SCOT
Isabelle ROBBINS, Dau, S, F, W, 12, UT, ENG, SCOT
Alfred T. ROBBINS, Son, S, M, W, 10, UT, ENG, SCOT
Samuel ROBBINS, Son, S, M, W, 8, UT, ENG, SCOT
David W. ROBBINS, Son, S, M, W, 6, UT, ENG, SCOT
Lydia ROBBINS, Dau, S, F, W, 5, UT, ENG, SCOT