Sources |
- [S1298] Family Oral History.
The parents seemed to have had a problem agreeing on a name for this son. He was listed as "Dewey" in the Jackson County 1900 census. He was listed as "Isaac" in the Jackson County 1910 census. This researcher has always known him as "Litt." His daughters, Charlotte (Cloud) Rorex and Dorotha "Dot" (Cloud) Bean gave his name as Harry Lee.
- [S1128] Gedcom - Shirley, Raymond.
- [S2206] Cloud, Becky, email to Tom Cloud of JUN 21 2007.
- [S1278] Jackson County, AL 1900 Census, p 65.
Bolivar District, James Cloud family.
- [S1387] Jackson County, AL 1910 Census, p 3383.
Bolivar District, James Cloud family.
- [S1298] Family Oral History.
Conversations with family.
- [S1298] Family Oral History.
Letters from Jennie (Cloud) Pace.
Letters from Katherine (Cloud) Shirley.
Letters from Charlotte (Cloud) Rorex.
Letters from Dot (Cloud) Bean.
Letters from Dot (Cloud) Bean.
- [S1684] Tombstone.
Sequatchie Valley Memorial Gardens, Marion County, TN
- [S1278] Jackson County, AL 1900 Census, Pg. 65.
Bolivar District. James Cloud family
- [S1387] Jackson County, AL 1910 Census.
Bolivar District. James Cloud family
- [S1290] Alabama Marriages, 1800 - 1930.
- [S1298] Family Oral History.
Letters from Jennie (Cloud) Pace.
Letters from Katherine (Cloud) Shirley.
Letters from Charlotte (Cloud) Rorex.
Letters from Dot (Cloud) Bean.