Sources |
- [S1297] Relationship.
This researcher's mother.
- [S1387] Jackson County, AL 1910 Census, p 3383.
Bolivar Distirct, Jospeh Cloud family.
- [S1395] Jackson County, AL 1920 Census.
Stevenson District, Joseph Cloud family.
- [S1128] Gedcom - Shirley, Raymond.
- [S1141] Joseph Cloud's Journal.
Names and dates of births of Joe and Ellen Cloud's children.
- [S757] Birth Certificate.
- [S5160] SSDI - Social Security Death Index.
- [S1297] Relationship.
She was this family researcher's mother.
- [S1297] Relationship.
This researcher was present at her burial.
- [S1479] Jackson County, AL, 1900 Census, Microfilm T623/19/part2/24B, p 66.
Bolivar District. Joseph J. Cloud family.
- [S1141] Joseph Cloud's Journal.
Record of special events, date of marriage, births of children, births and deaths of other relatives, and log of yearly purchases.
- [S1478] Interview.
Conversations with this researcher's grandmother, Mary Helen (Anderson) Cloud.
- [S788] Marriage record.