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- 1880 United States Federal Census > Indiana > Tipton > Wildcat > Distr ic t 132
Nelson is the father of Idella that married Luke McPherson jr. Nelson m ar ried Rachel Shinn on Nov 9,1871 in Randolph Co, Ind. I have a co py of a p hoto of Luke and Idella. Do you have any photos of the family ?. I have ph otos of Nelson's brothers Lewis and Thomas but not of Nels on or his dad M organ. I also have a copy of the cabin Morgan built in 18 52 in Windfall , Tipton Co, Indiana. And I have some rocks that they us ed to build the c himney in the cabin, that's all that's left on the old f arm. The farm i s now owned by Elmer Conway's family. His son showed me ar ound the farm a nd told me they took the cabin down in 1934 and put up a n ew house, but t hey piled up the rocks on a fence post. Me and Diana (Abbo tt) McDaniel's , Harvey Jr Abbott's daughter took a few of the rocks. Harv ey Jr is a bro ther to Floyd (Tink) Abbott. Well I hope this clears thin gs up for you, l et me know if you need anything on the family. See Ya Cou sin, Ron