
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Amos Lee[1]


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  • Name Amos Lee 
    Gender Male 
    • Served 78 days duty as a footman and 8 days as a horseman in 1781 and 1782 in Capt. Thomas Blassingame's company of Colonel Brandon's regiment.  He received 6 pounds, 14 shillings and 3 pence farthing. He did not collect the money himself.  Instead, he asked that it be sent to him "by the hand of Mr. John Blassingame whom I hereby empower to receive the same in my behalf and whose rect. shall be good....".  This note was sent to the treasurers of Charlestown and was headed "South Carolina, 96 District, Spartanburgh County, Sept. 13, 1785. From the South Carolina State Archives, Revolutionary War Accounts in South Carolina.  File No. AA-4487
          Amos Lee is shown on page 91 of the 1790 census of South Carolina in Union County.  His household composition is 1-1-3.  The 1800 Union County South Carolina census shows him on page 216.  He had 5 sons, 3 daughters and a wife.  The 1810 Union County census lists him on page 230.  He had 4 sons, 5 daughters and his wife.  On the 1820 census, he shows 2 sons, 3 daughters and his wife.
          He owned about 218 acres of land lying on Mitchell's Creed in Union County at the time of his death.  He had executed a deed conveying all except for about 40 acres to Lavinia and Jane in 1851.  Amos, Lavinia and Jane all died intestate, so some of the grandchildren of Amos requested the land to be divided, or to be sold and the proceeds divided among the grandchildren and a great grandchild.
          On the 1850 Union County census, Amos Lee listed his occupation as a planter.  He listed his age as 89 and his birthplace as South Carolina.  He outlived the majority of his children, and some of his grandchildren.  He listed the value of his real estate as $950 in 1850.
    Person ID I84742  mykindred
    Last Modified Mar 9, 2010 

    Father Thomas Lee,   d.
    Family ID F28551  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

     1. James Lee,   b. 1788,   d. Y
     2. William Lee,   b. 1797, Union county, South Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. circa 1840  (Age 43 years)
     3. Jane Lee,   b. 1804, Union county, South Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Nov 1853, Union county, South Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 49 years)
     4. Lavinia Lee,   b. 1804, Union county, South Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Sep 1854, Union county, South Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 50 years)
     5. Robert Lee,   d. Y
     6. Patsy Lee,   d. Y
     7. Celia Lee,   d. Y
     8. Nancy Lee,   d. 1854
     9. Amos Lee, Jr.,   d. 1843, Union county, South Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
     10. Mary Lee,   d. Bef 1852
    Family ID F28541  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Sources 
    1. [S1208] Gedcom - Garrison, Hallie Whittington.