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- In 1920, he is living with his father-in-law:
1920 census, Texas, Jefferson cty, 1-WD, Beaumont, e.d. 87, 18-B
Jan 14-15, 1920, film series T625, roll 1823, pg. 139
1316 Calder Ave, lines 72 - 79
Wiess, Percy H, head, M, W, 48, TX, TX, TX, insurance, real estate
" , Sarah, wife, F, W, 48, VA, VA, VA
Marshall, Alexander, son-in-law, M, W, 26, TX, Eng, US, laborer, farm
" , Signora W, dau, F, W, 26, TX, TX, VA
" , Signora W, grand-dau, 6/12, TX, TX, TX
living in the rear:
Alexander, Walter, head, M, B, 48, TX, TX, TX, laborer, farm
" , Corine, wife, F, B, 42, LA, LA, LA, cook
" , Walter Jr, son, 14, TX, TX, LA
1930 census, TX, Beaumont, 1-ward, Jefferson cty, e.d. 27, sheet 6-B
April 4, 1930, 1316 Calder Ave, HH 102A
Wiess, Bertie, head, $50,000, F, W, 59, Wd, m at 20, VA, VA, VA, investor, investments
Marshall, Alexander, son-in-law, M, W, 36, m at 24, TX, ENG, AL, real estate
" , Signora, dau, 36, m at 24, TX, TX, VA
" , Mary S, g-dau, 10, TX, TX, TX
" , Percy A, g-son, 7, TX, TX, TX
Next door is Miles Yount, partner to Thos. Peter "T.P." Lee in the Yount-Lee Oil Company that grew out of the discovery of oil at Spindletop. (See T.P. Lee, also in this database.)
1376 Calder
Yount, Miles F, head, $100,000, M, W, 50, m at 35, AR, NC, NC, producer, oil
" , Pansy, wife, F, W, 43, m at 28, TX, TX, TX
" , Mildred, dau, 9, TX, AR, TX