
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Anne Toft

Female circa 1617 -

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  • Name Anne Toft 
    Born circa 1617 
    Gender Female 
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      From "Virginia's Eastern Shore"
      Accomack County
      The earliest record about her [ANN TOFT] is a patent to her for 800 acres granted November 3, 1660. In making a deposition three years later, she stated that she then was "Aged twenty yeares," so she would have been seventeen at the time of the above patent. She received later patents, in Maryland and Jamaica, as well as in Virginia, but not until March, 1669, did she list herself as one of the head rights necessary for a certificate. In FEBRUARY, 1666, "Ann Toft" was listed as a head right in a patent to Major Thomas Walker for 2,350 acres in Gloucester County, and in March of this year, an "An Toft" was listed in a patent to WILLIAM BASELY AND EDWARD HAELLY for ?,000 acres to Westmoreland County. The fact that these patents were not granted until long after her own does not preclude the possibility that the person named was the Eastern Shore Ann Toft, as head rights often were used some years after their dates of entry.
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      Accomack Co. Va. Certificates and Rights 1663-1709 and Tithables 1663-1695 Stratton Nottingham Heritage Books Bowie Md.-  Certificate granted 16 Mar 1668/9 to Mrs Anne Toft (became wife of Capt. Daniel Jenifer), for 2000 acres for transportation of: (among others) Darby REGAN
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      From "Cavaliers & Pioneers"
      Virginia Patent Book No. 5
      WM. BASELY & EDWARD HAELLY, 1000 acs. W'moreland Co., between Rappa. & Potomack Rivers, upon branches of NOMENY, 22 Mar. 1665/6, pg. 475, (580). Beg. At land surveyed for Thomas Dios, in lline of Mr. Jno. Whetstone, running S. W. &c. Trans. of 20 pers: James Turner, Robt. Cole, Jno. Yates, Henry Biggs, Wm. Wms., Robt. Dent, Mary Wms., Susan Hunt, ANN TOFT, Jno. Browne, Nicho, Browne, Rose Plevin, Robt. Day, Morgan Thomas, Robt. Colton, Noah Edrop, Wm. Bock, Robt. Johnson, Mary Jacob, Tho. Ecalfe (?), Cicely Poole, Eliz. Woodward.
      2 April 1664 MRS. ANN TOFT, 1500 acs. (Accomack) at Manoakin, being halfe of the middle neck, on S. side thereof, Wly. on Manoaken Riv., bounded on S. by the Southern Cr., p. 191 (82). Trans. of 30 pers: James Draper, Jno. Orbald, Vincent Barry, Anto. Libb, Robt. Parriot, Jno. Machen, Hen. Silvester, Rich. Miller, Roger Griffin, Rich. Wing, Abill Barker, Walter Acton, Tho. Whitmore, Jno. Weld, Jno. Charlton, Ann Phillips, Rich. Lister, Thomas MoreFEILD, Geo. Ludloe, Thomas Jones, Francis Smith, Mary FEILD, Jno. Whitaker, Rich. Rivers, Jno. Harding, James Dudly, Thomas Wells, Henry Lee, Tho. Fleetwood, Wm. Morton.
      From Accomack County VA Court Order Abstracts 1671-1673
      By JoAnn Riley McKey, Heritage books, Inc. 1996
      Page 85:
      "Deed:  Daniell Jenifer of Gargaphia, Gentleman, who married Ann Toft, gave her three daughters, Arcadia, Attalanta, and Annabella, 5000 acres including Chingoteage and Mattapenny Neck, to be possessed and enjoyed by each as she attained age 17.  Also at that age, each would be given 25 cattle, 11 sheep, 6 silver spoons, a silver cup, a feather bed and furniture, two pair of sheets, 12 Holland napkins, 2 Holland table cloths (...) If any daughter were to marry before age 17 without parental permission, she would recieve nothing. Signed 17 July 1672, Daniel Jenifer.  Witnesses:  Wm. Whittington and Tabitha Browne. (p. 126. 127)."
    Person ID I7543  mykindred
    Last Modified Jun 20, 2005 

    Family 1 Capt. Daniel Jenifer,   b. 1637,   d. 1693  (Age 56 years) 
    Married Bef 1671 
     1. Daniel Jenifer,   d. Y
    Family ID F13146  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 2 Col. Edmund Scarburgh,   b. 1617, St. Martin's in-the-Fields, London, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. circa May 1671, Hedra Cottage, Scarborough Neck, Accomack county, Virginia (or Occahannock Creek) Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 54 years) 
    Married circa 1640 
     1. Atalanta Toft,   b. circa 1640, Accomack county, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Y
     2. Annabella Toft,   b. circa 1658, Accomack county, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Y
     3. Arcadia Toft,   b. circa 1660, Accomack county, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Y
    Family ID F2711  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart