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- Article about him by William LeRoy Boyd on pages 111-112 of "Heritage History of Chester County, South Carolina", 1982 says that he was a Deputy Surveyor in Chester District, SC, before and after the American Revolution. Land sales in Deed Books A and E in the Chester County Court House show that his wife was Ann Boyd. In South Carolina law, wives often have to relinquish their dower rights as part of property transactions, mortgages, etc. Both William and Ann Boyd were dead before August 20, 1814, when their children sold their shares in some land in York County, SC, on the waters of Buffalo Creek to the brother-in law, Moses Smith. Page 135 of the December, 1989, issue of "The Bulletin", Chester District Genealogical Society, Richburg, Chester Co., SC, has a query from Evelyn M. Thom, 130 Main St. Baton Rouge, LA 70801, which states that he died intestate in Chester District, SC, in 1814, leaving five children.