
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Rev. William Kennady Whittington[1, 2]

Male 1789 - 1845  (55 years)

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  • Name William Kennady Whittington 
    Prefix Rev. 
    Born Aug 20, 1789  South Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Died Jul 29, 1845  Jackson county, Mississippi, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Obituary:
      Died, at his residence, in Jackson county, Mississippi, on the 29th of July, Rev. William H. Whittington, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. He was the son of Burwell and Nancy Kenaday Whittington. He was born in Marlborough or Barnwell district, on the 20th August, 1789. When he was about ten years of age, his father removed to the State of Georgia, where the subject of this notice embraced religion and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the fifteenth year of his age, and of which he remained a member to the close of his life. He was licensed to preach in 1813 or 14; was married in 1815; in 1819 he emigrated to this State, where resided until he was called from the service of the church militant, to join the church triumphant in heaven.
      It may be said of him, that he was a man of great afflictions, and as truly so, that he possessed deep and ardent piety. Affliction is the furnace in which men's souls are tried; into it he was cast, in in the midst of it found that the Everlasting arms were underneath him. He endured his sufferings with patience and resignation to the divine will. In his last illness, which was protracted for nearly six months, he constantly manifested the same spirit; and when asked at any time, about his prospects for the future, he replied, "I am ready," and on one occasion said to me, that he had felt for sometime that his work was done, and was now willing to depart and be at rest. He frequently repeated, and at other times asked me to read a part of the 15th chapter of first Corinthians, "for this corruption must put on incorruption," &c. to the fifty-seventh verse. Being necessarily absent, I did not converse with him towards the close of his sickness as much as I desired. I reached home the morning of the same day on which he died. His speech had nearly failed, but when I asked him the state of his mind, he replied "all is right." He seemed inclined to sleep, and as the day declined his drowsiness became greater. He could speak but little intelligibly, he therefore attempted it but seldom. His last words were "Glory to God!" He lingered until fifteen minutes past eight P.M., when he sweetly slept in Jesus, without a struggle or groan.
      "Thus he lived a good citizen, a consistent christian, an affectionate husband, a tender and indulgent father, and as a preacher of the Gospel, sound and practical. -- And thus he died, in full prospect of a blessed immortality. In his death the church has sustained an irreparable loss, and his family a serious bereavement. -- Him we mourn not as those who have no hope; for while we feel and truly regret the loss of our husband, father and common friend, we rejoice to know that it is his eternal gain. Let me die the death of the righteous, and may my last end be like his.
      B.B. Whittington
      P.S. The Southern Christian Advocate will please copy.
      The South-Wester Christian Advocate, Jackson cty, MS, Aug, 5, 1845
      Source:  Genealogical Abstracts From Reported Deaths The Southwestern Christian Advocate 1838-1846 July-December
      Reverend WILLIAM Whittington SON OF Burwell and Nancy Kenaday Whittington, born S.C. August 20, 1789, moved with parents to GA; married in 1815; Methodist preacher. Died Jackson Co., Miss, July 29, 1845
      Source: Earliest Land Grants of Tattnall County Georgia 1803-1822 Compilied by Joseph E. Spann, Jr. 1989 (numerous other land transactions)
      Burrell G. Whittington and his sons William and Burrell Jr. purchase land on Watermellon Creek in Tattnall County
      Source: Bryan County Head of Family 1820 census
      William K. Whittington
      Burrell G Whittington
      Source: 1836 Tax Roll of Jackson County Mississippi
      William K. Whittington and B.G. Whittington (this is Junior)  Obviously, Senior has died and the sons have moved per tax roll
      1830 census Jackson, Mississippi
      Wm K Whittington
      1 female 5 and under 10
      2 females 20 under 15
      1 female 40 under 50
      2 males under 5
      1 male 30 under 40
      1840 census Jackson, Mississippi
      William Wittington
      1 female 10 under 15
      2 females 20 under 30
      1 female 40 under 50
      2 males 10 under 15
      1 male 40 under 50
    Person ID I55572  mykindred
    Last Modified Jan 30, 2013 

    Father Burell Green Whittington,   b. Feb 01, 1757, Albermarle county, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 1836, Georgia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age < 78 years) 
    Mother Nancy Kennady,   d.
    Married circa 1788 
    Family ID F19616  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Mary Strickland,   b. 1790, North Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1855  (Age 65 years) 
    Married Apr 20, 1815  Liberty county, Georgia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Allen Turner Whittington,   b. Mar 31, 1816, Georgia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Y
     2. Rev. Burwell B. Whittington,   b. Aug 01, 1819, Georgia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Nov 1870, Hinds county, Mississippi, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 51 years)
     3. William Edward Whittington,   b. Nov 01, 1822, Georgia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Aug 20, 1908, Mississippi, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 85 years)
     4. Miranda C. Whittington,   b. Aug 30, 1825, Americus, Jackson county, Mississippi, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1899  (Age 73 years)
     5. Allen Turner Whittington,   b. circa 1826, Mississippi, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 1870  (Age ~ 43 years)
    Family ID F19617  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Sources 
    1. [S991] Genealogical Abstracts from Reported Deaths, the Southwestern Christian Advocate, p. 61.
      September 19, 1845

      Reverend WILLIAM H. WHITTINGTON son of Burwell and Nancy Kenaday Whittington, born S.C., August 20, 1789; moved with parents to Ga.; married in 1815; Methodist preacher. Died Jackson Co., Miss., July 29, 1845.

    2. [S1892] Sprinkle, David, email to Tom Cloud of Aug 10, 2006.