Notes |
- He was an heir to the estate of his father which included land and 20?. At one time he owned land in Virginia. He apparently disposed of this land before the Rev. War and moved to SC; some say he stopped enroute in North Carolina. In South Carolina he received several land grants from the state. Between 1765 and 1772; he also purchased several land tracts from the state between 1786 and 1808; copies of the grants and purchases were received from the SC dept. of archives and history, Columbia, SC.
The 1792 South Carolina Tax List for Fairfield County shows a William Cloud owning 2 slaves and 200 acres of 2nd class land on which taxes were due. See "The Bulletin", Vol. XIII, Number III, September 1990, page 82 & 84; Published by Chester District Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 336, Richburg, S. C., 29729.
Note: See page 67 of The Bulletin, published by the Chester District Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 336, Richburg, SC 29729, Vol. IX, No. III, Sept. 1986. It gives a good description of his family and his Cloud ancestors.
George C.H. Kernion wrote "The son of William Cloud and Elizabeth Hayes resided in Waren county, Georgia during the Revolutionary War. While it is not shown that he actually fought in the Revolution, the fact is established that he resided in Georgia during the Revolution and had his home destroyed by the enemy. (See Pension Claim of his son, John Cloud, 2-30935 Veterans' Administration Bureau, Washington, D.C.)."
State of Carolina Fairfield District March 14, 1810
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I William Cloud, of the above mentioned State and District, being in Sound Mind and Memory, thanks be to god for it I do at time Make this My Last Will and testament in the following Manner, That is to say First I Recommend My Soul to god who give it-- Secondly my body to be decently Buried, at the discretion of my Executors, and After all my just Debts are paid. Itim. I do Lend to my lawful Wife, one Negroe Woman named Moll, one horse beast, two Cows & Calves, and two Beds, half of my hogs, all the Household furniture. My son Joseph Cloud, Shall have the Labour of the Negroe Man Named Mose, by paying forty five Dollars yearly to my Wife, and at her Death the said Joseph Cloud on paying two hundred Dollars then he Shall be fully Pofsesed with Negroe Man Name Mose as his right and property. Item. The remainder of my Stock and Plantation tools to be sold at my Death, the Money likewise All My land and All debts due Me is to be equally divided between Sina Ford, Alis Boclstone and Vincent Bell, My Daughters and grandson; the horse beast and Two Cows and Calves, and two Bed House hold furniture that I lend to my wife is to be sold at her death and the Money to be equally divided between the Above Named three, that is to say, Sinah Ford, Alice Boclstone, Vincent Bell, my grandson, I give and bequeath to My Daughter Hannah McRieon Five Shillings; I give and bequeath unto My Son James Cloud Five Shillings; I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Cloud Five Shillings; also I give and bequeath unto My Daughter Ann Guphill Five Shillings, the mentioned Negroe Woman named Mol, being a good and faithful servant, it is My Wish She should be freed at my Wifes death, and no More Controlled; Itim. I give my grandson William Cloud, Son of Daniel, all my Lands Lying on the South Side of Thorntree Creek, of which he is to Pofsefs at the Death of my wife. Itim. The two hundred Dollars that the said Joseph Cloud is to pay for the said Negroe Man Mose, it to be equally divided between my two Daughters and grandson, that to to say Sinah Ford, Alice Boclstone & Vincent Bell; I Appoint Joseph Cloud my son and Vincent Bell, my grandson my Whole and Sole Executors. Jointly, and Declare this to be my Last Will and testament. Disowning all other Wills made by me, As Witness My hand and seal this 14th day of March 1810. (Winnsboro Bk. 5-539). from page 74)
1790 census, Camden dist, SC, (M637-11, 22)
Wm Cloud
1800 census, SC, Fairfield cty, Fairfield, p, 22, (M32-47, 227)
1 male16-25, 1 male 45 and over
1 female 45 and over
1810 census, SC, Fairfield, (M252-62, 582)
William Cloud
1 male 5 & over, 1 female 45 & 0ver
1810 census, Fairfield cty, SC, (M252-62, 619)
This is the land William Cloud left his grandson William Cloud (son of Daniel)
Date: Feb 16, 1808
Description: Cloud, William and Bartlett Sanders, Plat for 413 acres on Thorn Tree Creek, Fairfield District, Surveyed by William Cloud.
Names indexed: Cloud, William/Sanders, Bartlett/Crumton, Alexander/Seal, Enoch/Ward, Dixsey/Mccants, Robert/
Locations: Thorntree Creek/Wateree River/Fairfield District
Type: Plat/
Signed, Sealed and Acknowledged -- William Cloud
in presence of us: Leod Godbolt, Ananias Godbolt, Samuel Loughadage
Proved August 30, 1811
Jno. Buchanan
recorded in book 5, Page 539