Notes |
- From his Obituary: FM Austin died at his home in Simonton, Fort Bend County, Texas. He had lived there a little more than one year. For more than 26 years he had been a resident of Buckhorn, Austin County, TX. He came to Texas at the age of 19 and spent the remainder of his life here. He was born in the state of Georgia and was reared from the age of nine to nineteen in Florida. He was married to Miss Lou Curry in 1879 and they raised 10 children who together with their mother survive him.
Children of Frank Austin
Otis Austin>Doris Austin>Georgia Mae Cline, Harry Jr. Cline, Thomas Jr Gallington
William Austin> Billy Earl, Jean Paul, Fannie Lou Austin
Otis Warren Austin>
Walter Austin
Robert Austin>Charles W. Austin
Harry Austin>
Sallie Austin>Herbert Buchanan, Bill Buchanan, Sonny, Ellewiese
Sam Austin
Hattie Salina Austin> Helen Lou Beard>Wade Beard
Hanna Jane Austin>Vivian Carlisle, Allen Howard Carlisle +Jean Bledsoe
Scott Austin+Mildred Horn>Freida Louise Austin+JCLong Jr.>Walter Long, Carolyn Long
Frank Austin+Dovie Smith>Thelma Austin+Edward C. Barnett
Jimmy Austin
Kate Austin+Charles Thomas Brundrett>Virginia Lou Brundrett+AC Palmer Jr.
Mannie Louise Austin+Ike Anderson
Murray Austin+Doris Sebert
Norma Mattie Austin
Ada AustinAO Clark