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  • Name Living  
    Gender Male 
    Person ID I197757  mykindred
    Last Modified Feb 5, 2015 

    Father Jesse Jackson Phillips,   b. Mar 15, 1890, Kerrville, Kerr county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Jan 08, 1974, Pauls Valley, Garvin county, Oklahoma, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 83 years) 
    Mother Mary Annie Tarrant,   b. Apr 04, 1903, Hart, Pontotoc county, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Apr 21, 1993, Elmore City, Garvin county, Oklahoma, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 90 years) 
    Married Mar 18, 1918  Foster, Garvin county, Oklahoma, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
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      It's interesting that the person forging the documents, mis-quoting newspaper articles and erecting tombstones claims his name is Bill Dalton Phillips, but the census clearly shows that his middle name was Murl, not Dalton.
      1910 census, OK Garvin, Elmore, ed 73, 2-B, April 15, HH 40/42
      DANIEL, Burlin, 73
      DANIEL, Mollie S, 55
      DANIEL, Bessie C, 18
      PHILIPPS, Jack, 18, US, US, US, farm labor
      1920 census, OK, Garvin, Elmore
      PHILIPS, Jack J, head, M, W, 26, TX, TX, TX, farmer
      PHILIPS, Annie, wife, F, W, 16, OK, TX, AR
      PHILIPS, Dortha, dau, 3/12, OK, TX, AR
      1930 census, OK, Garvin, Elmore City, Apr 18, HH 116/123
      PHILIPS, Jack J, head, M, W, 38, TX, TX, TX
      PHILIPS, Mary A., F, W, wife, 26, m at 15, OK, AL, AR
      PHILIPS, Dorthy B, dau, 10, OK, TX, OK
      PHILIPS, Lois L, son, 8, OK, TX, OK
      PHILIPS, J.J., son, 7, OK, TX, OK
      PHILIPS, Keneth T, son, 5, OK, TX, OK
      PHILIPS, Jerald D, son, 2, OK, TX, OK
      PHILIPS, Billy M, son, 0, OK, TX, OK
      PHILIPS, Thomas L, father, M, W, 76, widowed, m at 24, TX, VA, US
      1940 census, OK, Garvin, Brady, April 2
      all residence 1935: Garvin, OK
      PHILLIPS, J.J., M, W, head, 47, TX
      PHILLIPS, Annie, F, W, wife, 37, 37, OK
      PHILLIPS, Dorthey, dau, 20, OK
      PHILLIPS, Loyce, son, 18, OK
      PHILLIPS, J.J., son, 17, OK
      PHILLIPS, Kenneth, son, 15, OK
      PHILLIPS, Geral Dene, son, 13, OK
      PHILLIPS, Billy Murl, son, 11, OK
      PHILLIPS, Norma Jean, dau, 9, OK
      PHILLIPS, Doyle R, son, 5, OK
      PHILLIPS, Larry D, son, 3, OK
    Family ID F66415  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Living 
     1. Living
     2. Living
     3. Living
    Family ID F66428  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart