Notes |
- 1880 census, TX, Newton, dist 54, pct 4, p. 5, sd 1, ed 54, (T9-1321, p.524)
June 1, 1880, HH 45
Heabert, Caezar, W, M, 44, farm laborer, TX, TX, TX
" , Leathey Ann, W, F, 36, wife, MS, TN, MS
Brack, Maggie, W, F, 20, daughter, TX, TN, MS
Seybold, Charles W, W, M, 14, son, TX, Prussia, MS
Seybold, Selma, W, F, 12, dau, TX, Prussia, MS
" , Nettie, 10, dau
" , John, 9, son
Swearingen, William, 6, son, TX, MS, MS
February 4th 1884, Newton County "ordered by the Court that Mrs. L.A. Hebert be appointed Guardian of the Estate of Selmer, Nettie and John Seybold, minors" (Case No. 217). Warranty Deed (Newton County), dated FEB 4, 1892, showing P.S.C. Smith sold for $800 land in Orange, Texas to "L.A. Herbert, Selmer Whittington, Nettie McAllen, and John O. Seybold".
The property described as Lots 3 & 4, Block 22 of the Nathan Cordray Survey in Orange, Texas belonged to Leatha Ann Hebert and she paid the taxes. Caesar's name does not show up on the tax receipts. But in 1910 the tax bill is addressed, not to Mrs. L.A. Hebert, but to "the L.A. Hebert Est.", indicating Leatha Ann died about 1909.
Tax receipts dating from 1885 to 1924 for 40 acres of land in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, first paid by Cezar/Ceazar Hebert and then later by Lula Whittington.