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1850 census, PA, Chester, East Nantmeal, Sept. 12
-- HH 82/84, all b. PA
CLOUD, Joseph, 33, M, butcher
CLOUD, Margarett, 33, F
CLOUD, David, 9, M
CLOUD, Lewis, 7, M
CLOUD, Stephen, 5, M
-- HH 82/85,
TRAINER, Joseph, 27, M, butcher
TRAINER, Sarah, 25, F
-- HH 83/86, all b. PA
HALL, Ann, 40, F
HALL, Keturah, 14, F
HALL, Elmer, 9, M
- 1860 census, PA, Chester, East Nantmeal, p 19
-- HH 153/155, all b. PA
CLOUD, Joseph, 42, M, butcher
CLOUD, Margaret, 43, F
CLOUD, David M, 19, M
CLOUD, Lewis W, 16, M
CLOUD, Stephen, 14, M
CLOUD, Sarah H, 8, F
DANFIELD, William, 65, M
HALL, Elma C, 19, F, hired girl
Note: This researcher believes the three youngest children living with them on the 1870 census -- Lewis W. (1867), Mary E. (1869) and Joseph 1870) -- are their grandchildren.
It is believed they belong to Joseph and Margaret's eldest son David who married Martha Dolby in 1865 and that is where they are placed in this genealogical record.
1870 census, PA, Chester, East Nantmeal, p 18, Aug 16
-- HH 153
RIME, Levi, 30, M, W, works at plastering, PA
RIME, Katura, 33, F, W, PA
RIME, Laura, 9, F
RIME, Sumner, 5, M
-- HH 155
HALL, Ann, 65, F, W, PA
-- HH 157
CLOUD, M Lewis, 26, M, W, farmer, PA
CLOUD, Kate, 21, F, W, PA
-- p. 19
HH 163, all b. PA
CLOUD, Joseph, 52, M, W, farmer
CLOUD, Sarah, 18, F, W, keeping house
CLOUD, David, 29, M, W, butcher
CLOUD, Stephen, 24, M, W, works at butchering
HALL, Stephen, 63, M, W, lives with brother-in-law
CLOUD, W Lewis, 3, M, W
CLOUD, E Mary, 1, F, W
CLOUD, Joseph, 2/12, M, W
1880 census, PA, Chester, West Vincent, p 5, ed 93, June 7
-- HH 47/50, all b. PA
DOLBY, John R, W, M, 47, farmer
DOLBY, Lydia A, W, F, 47, wife
-- HH 48/52, all b. PA
MILLER, Monroe, W, M, 58, farmer
MILLER, Mary L, W, F, 55, wife
DOLBY, Catharin, W, F, 73, mother-in-law
DOLBY, Manda, W, F, 34, sis-in-law, housework
CLOUD, Lewis W, W, M, 13, nephew
CLOUD, Mary E, W, F, 11, niece
HENZY, George G, W, M, 25, boarder, works on farm