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- CSA Veteran
He married 3 times: 1st to Sarah Houchins Dunford; 2nd to Mary McCarty; & 3rd to Annie Briscoe Harris (1844 to 1923). He had children from each marriage. Sons were John L., Wm (Billy), Guy B, Robert L,James F, Edgar C., & Oscar; dau's (w/married surnames) were Mary J. Anderson, Annette Chadwick, Lelah B Tynes, Maude Cady (Kady?), Claudia O. Williford, Bennie Catherine Buchanek, & Ada Wilson; step-son Wm H Harris & Step-dau. J. Epsy (Mrs James) Brooks
1870 census, TX, Lavaca, 494-437
1860 census, TX, Austin, Pecan Grove
F B Shoemake, 27, SC
Sarah Shoemake, 31, IL
J S Shoemake, 2, TX
M J Shoemake, 1, TX
1870 census, TX, Lavaca
John C Brooks, W, M, 46, GA
Sarah Brooks, W, F, 39, AL
Levi Brooks, W, M, 16, TX
Mary S Brooks, W, F, 17, TX
Calvin Brooks, W, M, 10, TX
James Brooks, W, M, 6, TX
William Brooks, W, M, 3, TX
Eugene Brooks, W, M, 1, TX
1870 census, TX, Lavaca
Ferrell Shoemake, W, M, 37, TN
Mary Shoemake, W, F, 25, MS
John Shoemake, W, M, 12, TX
Mary J Shoemake, W, F, 10, TX
Annette Shoemake, W, F, 8, TX
Zellah Shoemake, W, F, 1, TX
1870 census, TX, Lavaca
James C Shumake, W, M, 32, AL
Martha J Shumake, W, F, 22, AL
Susan Endo wrote:
I am descended from Ferrel Burl Shoemake through his daughter Katherine/Kathryn. I know some genealogies list her as Catherine or Bennie Catherine. I understand that her nickname may have been Bennie. My mother and aunt, who lived with her when they were young, insist that her name was Katherine or Kathryn (but spelled with a K), middle name Leona. She married Edward Buchanek, and had three children, Oscar Julius Buchanek(b. 1901), Victor ? Buchanek(b. 1903), and Hester ? Buchanek( b.1905). I can probably find more detail on full names and birth and death dates, as well as detailed lists of descendants if you want to compile such things. My only other information about the predecessors comes from the internet. I suspect that we may be related to the Native American side of the family, although no family records asserting so exist to my knowledge. Farrel or Ferrel or Ferril apparently claimed to be white on the census records. Oscar, born with medium or light brown hair, had very dark hair as an adult (which appeared black) until he died in 1980 at the age of 79. He was also dark-skinned, with little body hair. Part of my Grandfather Oscar's self-history is copied below.
My mother's father, Farrel Burl Shoemake, came to Sublime, Texas from Alabama, and her mother came from South Carolina. Grandmother Shoemake was married twice. The children of the first union, were Willie Harris and Daughty Harris (note by transcriber: other genealogies list her as Epsy, perhaps Daughty was a nickname). Grandfather Shoemake was also married twice. The children of the first union were John, Nettie, and Guy. The children of the second marriage were Robert (Bobby), James (Uncle Bon), Edgar, Oscar, Claudia, Kathryn , and Ada. The Brooks family came about when Aunt Daughty married Jim Brooks. My first cousins from this union were Beaulah, Ora, Epsy, Norma, Crick, Eunice, Maude, Hallie, Clark, Sam, Roy , Coy, and Raymond. Uncle Willie Harris' marriage produced the following cousins, Bertha, Naomi, Burl and Val. Uncle Bobby had two sons, Robert, Jr, and one I have never seen and whose name I cannot remember. Uncle Bon had five children: Beulah Mae, Faye, Opal, Harvey and Derwood. They lived in San Saba, Texas . They were farmers and raised cotton, corn, watermelons and peaches. Uncle Edgar married but had no children. Uncle Oscar married and had one son, Travis. Aunt Claudia had four children. One son, Eli, (now deceased), who married a German girl while in Germany during World War II. The girls were Etta, (unreadable Marie), and the other names slip my memory at this time. Aunt Ada married a man by the name of Henry Wilson, they had one son,. I have sat up nights listening to the hair raising performances of Uncle Bobby , who played the violin and the French harp, and was always getting into a fight at a dance or barbecue picnic 4 th of July celebration. He was one of the strongest, yet small of stature, men in the surrounding countryside. Often when Grandpa Shoemake wanted to give him a whipping for something he had done, he would outrun him, but when he came in at night, Grandpa would get him and tie him to a tree in order to get the job done. Uncle Guy was a big, strong man., what you might call today "Superman". He ran a cotton gin and farmers would come to his gin just to see him pick up a 550 pound bale of cotton and put in the wagon from the platform. Once Uncle Billy and Uncle Guy got in a fight on top of a mountain. Uncle Guy was so much taller and bigger than Uncle Bobby that he could hold him at arm's length, but couldn't shake him off his arms. Finally they both fell down and rolled down the mountain and it was so funny they both got up and the fight was over.