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1880 census, TX, Limestone, Kosse, p. ?3, sd 4, ed 93, (T9-1317, 340)
June 24, 1880
dwelling 462
-- family 480
Lloyd, Jno, W, M, 44, husband, clerk in store, PA, DE, Ireland
" , E.R., W, F, 40, wife, TN, TN, TN
" , Jno J, 15, son, TX, PA, TN
" , Chas ?, 12, son, -do-
" , Eva, 9, dau, -do-
-- family 481
Robertson, Robt(?), W, M, 27, son-in-law, clerk in store, AL, AL, AL
" , Addie, W, F, 19, dau, TX, PA, TN
In the dwelling next door -- dwelling 463 -- are two families #482 & 483:
Family 482 -- Henry, John(?) L, 60, TX, illegible> and wife illegible>, 49, b. AL.
Family 483 -- Robison, RC(?), W, M, 22, clerk in store, AL, AL, AL and wife Bettie, 16, looks like b. TX, AL, AL but can't be sure.
(maybe R.C. (or K.C.) Robison is a brother to Robt. Robertson in the first house ??)
1900 census, TX, Williamson, Taylor, ed 136, 7-B, (T623-Page: 7)
June 5, 1900, Vance Street, HH 148/154
Lloyd, John, head, W, M, May 1836, 64, m 40 yrs, PA, PA, TN, agt insurance
" , Rebecca, wife, W, F, Feb 1840, 60, m 40 yrs, 4/3 children, TN, TN, TN
" , Charles, son, Jan 1867, 33, single, TX, PA, TN, laborer
" , Eva, dau, Jan 1870, 30, single, TX, PA, TN
1910 census, TX, Williamson, wrd 2, Taylor, ed 132, 9-B, (T624-1598, 256)
April 22, 1910, 515 Vance Street, HH 169/167
Lloyd, John, head, M, W, 73, m1 49 yrs, PA, Wales-English, Ore-English, agent, insurance
" , Esther A, wife, F, W, 69, m1 49 yrs, 4/2 children, TN, NC, NC
" , Charles, son, 43, single, TX, PA, TN
" , Eva, dau, 40, single, TX, PA, TN