
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Eva Lloyd

Female circa 1871 -

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  • Name Eva Lloyd 
    Born circa 1871  Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    Census Jun 24, 1880  Kosse, Limestone county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Census Jun 05, 1900  Taylor, Williamson county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Census Apr 22, 1910  Taylor, Williamson county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Person ID I141957  mykindred
    Last Modified Mar 7, 2008 

    Father John Lloyd,   b. circa 1836, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d.
    Mother Rebecca A. (Mrs. John Lloyd),   b. circa 1839, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d.
    • -
      1880 census, TX, Limestone, Kosse, p. ?3, sd 4, ed 93, (T9-1317, 340)
      June 24, 1880
      dwelling 462
      -- family 480
      Lloyd, Jno, W, M, 44, husband, clerk in store, PA, DE, Ireland
        "  , E.R., W, F, 40, wife, TN, TN, TN
        "  , Jno J, 15, son, TX, PA, TN
        "  , Chas ?, 12, son, -do-
        "  , Eva, 9, dau, -do-
      -- family 481
      Robertson, Robt(?), W, M, 27, son-in-law, clerk in store, AL, AL, AL
          "    , Addie, W, F, 19, dau, TX, PA, TN
      In the dwelling next door -- dwelling 463 -- are two families #482 & 483:
      Family 482 -- Henry, John(?) L, 60, TX, illegible> and wife illegible>, 49, b. AL.
      Family 483 -- Robison, RC(?), W, M, 22, clerk in store, AL, AL, AL and wife Bettie, 16, looks like b. TX, AL, AL but can't be sure.
      (maybe R.C. (or K.C.) Robison is a brother to Robt. Robertson in the first house ??)
      1900 census, TX, Williamson, Taylor, ed 136, 7-B, (T623-Page: 7)
      June 5, 1900, Vance Street, HH 148/154
      Lloyd, John, head, W, M, May 1836, 64, m 40 yrs, PA, PA, TN, agt insurance
        "  , Rebecca, wife, W, F, Feb 1840, 60, m 40 yrs, 4/3 children, TN, TN, TN
        "  , Charles, son, Jan 1867, 33, single, TX, PA, TN, laborer
        "  , Eva, dau, Jan 1870, 30, single, TX, PA, TN
      1910 census, TX, Williamson, wrd 2, Taylor, ed 132, 9-B, (T624-1598, 256)
      April 22, 1910, 515 Vance Street, HH 169/167
      Lloyd, John, head, M, W, 73, m1 49 yrs, PA, Wales-English, Ore-English, agent, insurance
        "  , Esther A, wife, F, W, 69, m1 49 yrs, 4/2 children, TN, NC, NC
        "  , Charles, son, 43, single, TX, PA, TN
        "  , Eva, dau, 40, single, TX, PA, TN
    Family ID F46569  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Sources 
    1. [S135] 1880 US federal census, 1880 census, TX, Limestone, Kosse, p. ?3, sd 4, ed 93, (T9-1317, 340).

    2. [S3961] 1900 US federal census, 1900 census, TX, Williamson, Taylor, ed 136, 7-B, (T623-Page: 7).

    3. [S967] 1910 US federal census, 1910 census, TX, Williamson, wrd 2, Taylor, ed 132, 9-B, (T624-1598, 256).