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"On Sunday 3 October 1976 at 2:30 PM the Colonel George Moffett Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution held a memorial service dedicating an Official Texas Historical Marker in commemoration of Jean Baptiste (Jonas) Chaison, a Revolutionary War soldier who died in Beaumont, 20 July 1854. It reads:
"Jean Baptiste (Jonas) Chaison was born in Nova Scotia of French parents. After imprisonment by the British during the French and Indian War, he and his parents fled in 1763 to France where he was soon orphaned. He returned to North America and joined the Colonial Army in 1775 at Quebec to take revenge against the British. Continuing in the Continental Army, he served with Lafayette at Brandywine, 1777; was wounded serving under Greene and Marion at Eutaw Springs, 1781; fought at Germantown, 1777; and fought under Lafayette?s command at Yorktown, 1781.
"Coming to western Louisiana as a cattle raiser and farmer about 1785 he married Marie LeBlanc and had eight children. About 1840 he moved to Beaumont to live with his son, McGuire Chaison (1809-1859). He was strong and healthy of mind and body as long as he lived and farmed here until 1854, dying at a few days under 109 years of age. He was buried in Jirou Cemetery. He was one of the few men of the American Revolution involved in Texas history. The Daughters of The American Revolution marked his grave site in 1944. The DAR Marker was moved here to Pipkin Park when a church was built in 1989 in the extinct Jirou Cemetery, 1976.?