
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Henry English[1]

Male circa 1859 -

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  • Name Henry English 
    Born circa 1859  Kentucky, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Census Jul 30, 1870  Birmingham, Marshall county, Kentucky, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Person ID I134080  mykindred
    Last Modified Nov 6, 2007 

    Father Thomas J. English,   b. circa 1826, Kentucky, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef Jun 14, 1880, Kentucky, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 54 years) 
    Mother Mary Cloud,   b. circa 1834, Livingston county, Kentucky, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d.
    Married Dec 21, 1859  Marshall county, Kentucky, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    • 1860 census, KY, Marshall, Palma, p. 143, (M653-385, p.Page: 889)
      Sept 26, 1860, HH 1068/978
      T.J. English, 34, M, $200, KY
      M  "  , 27, F, KY
      1870 census, KY, Marshall, Birmingham, p. 136, (M593-485, p.243)
      July 30, 1870
      HH 261/237
      English, Will W, 35, M, W, farmer, $1700, $1050, KY
      "  , Unis, 26, F, W, KY
      "  , Augustus, 9, M, KY
      "  , Mary A, 7, F, KY
      "  , Clarinca, 5, F, KY
      HH 262/238
      English, Thos J, 43, M, W, farmer, $1900, AL
      "  , Mary, 32, F, W, KY
      "  , Henry A, 11, M, farmer, KY
      "  , Cordelia, 9, F, KY
      "  , Conrad R, 6, M, KY

      Bobo, Henry, 25, M, farm hand, TN
      Cloud, Conrad, 28, M, W, farmer, KY
      1880 census, KY, Marshall, Stanton, p. 17, sd 1, ed 209, (T9-432, p.204)
      June 14, 1880, HH 149/151
      English, Mary A, W, F, 43, KY, --, --
      "  , Augustus, W, M, 19, son, KY, NC, KY
      "  , Lucinda C, 17, dau, KY, NC, KY
      "  , Conrad R, 15, son, KY, NC, KY
      "  , Edna E, 5, dau, KY, NC, KY
      Cloud, Conrad P, W, M, 40, brother, farmer, KY, NC, KY
    Family ID F43691  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Sources 
    1. [S2226] Cloud-Stanley, Carolyn, email to Tom Cloud of NOV 4 2007.

    2. [S14] 1870 US federal census, 1870 census, KY, Marshall, Birmingham, p. 136, (M593-485, p.243).

    3. [S2488] Kentucky Marriage Records 1851-1900.