
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Willie Simon Wiess[1, 2]

Male 1862 - 1893  (31 years)

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  • Name Willie Simon Wiess 
    Born Jun 20, 1862  Wiess Bluff, Jasper county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Gender Male 
    Census Jul 16, 1870  Jasper county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Census Jun 15, 1880  Jasper county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Died Nov 14, 1893  Hooks Switch, Hardin county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Buried Bumstead Cemetery, East Walton Road, Lumberton, Hardin county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • He was killed in an accident at Hooks Switch (aka Ariola) (Hardin county) in a sawmill owned by his sister Aunt Maggie's (Margaret Wiess Hooks) husband, George Washington Hooks.  George Washington Hooks and Dr. S.B. Turner had founded the mill and Turner had died the previous year).
      Galveston Daily News, November 15, 1893, pg. 5
      The Mill of the Hooks Lumber Company
      near Beaumont, Blown to Atoms.
      Some Narrow Escapes.
        Beaumont, Tex., Nov. 14. -- A terrific boiler explosion occurred this morning at 10:30 o'clock at the saw mill of the Hooks lumber company at Hooks Switch, fourteen miles north of here on the Sabine and East Texas railroad, killing three men and seriously wounding six others.  The list of the dead is as follows:
        J. W. Kirksey, engineer.
        Willie Wiess, log scaler.
        Bob McKinney, colored, scalded to death by the steam and water.
        Injured as follows:  George Whittington, collar bone broken; E. B. Baird, arm broken, John Holley, a stranger, hurt in the head and leg; Mack Armstrong, colored, blown forty yards and internally injured; Jack Mckinney, colored, hit in the head; Geo. Payne,  colored, also hit in the head.  Several others were slightly injured.
        The boiler room is completely blown away and the mill will have to be entirely rebuilt to be of use.
        The Hooks lumber company had been shut down for about two months and had just started up yesterday morning.  Had the explosion occurred ten minutes sooner the death list would have been a great deal heavier as there were then about twenty men near the boilers warming.  Willie Wiess and Bob McKinney were warming when the accident occurred.  Mr. L. R. McGregor, the saw filer, but who was taking the sawyer's place for a minute, was completely covered with the debris but escaped with only a few bruises.
        One piece of the boiler was found 150 yards from the mill.
        The cause of the explosion could not be learned.
        Kirksey leaves a wife; Willie Wiess a wife and three children and the negro McKinney leaves one child to mourn their loss.
        (Lemial Waldrep, also in this database, is said to have been another casualty of that disaster, though his name is not listed in the newspaper article and this researcher could not find a later article about it.  That Lemuel was killed in the accident was told to this editor by a member of that family branch.  However, the Lemuel Waldrop/Waldrep in this dataset was born 1888 and would have only been 5 years old.  It is assumed the data is either incorrect or perhaps an uncle or other relative by the same name died there.)

        Mr. W.T. Block, historian, wrote (May 24, 2003) "Amy Lea's birth at Cairo in 1881 means that her father was working for Yellow Bluff Tram Co. either as logger, or on their steam tram road, or in the crosstie sawmill there. There are 5 pages about Yellow Bluff under "Jasper County" in Vol. 2 of East Texas Mill Towns etc WTB"
    Person ID I1319  mykindred
    Last Modified Aug 29, 2008 

    Father Capt. Napoleon Bonaparte "Nap" Wiess, CSA,   b. Mar 10, 1839, Port Neches, Jefferson county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Mar 12, 1872, Wiess Bluff, Jasper county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 33 years) 
    Mother Cynthia Ann Sorrels,   b. Aug 15, 1845, Arkansas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Feb 06, 1891, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 45 years) 
    Married Jul 20, 1861  Jasper county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Napoleon apparently died without a will and all fiscal and probate papers relating to the Wiess brothers "were removed at some time in the past and were never returned".  His wife and children got nothing from his death, the description and disposition of his property, if any, is unknown.  One of the riverboats he owned, the "James L. Graham", was in service for several years after that until it blew near Redfish Reef in Galveston bay in May of 1876.  In a lawsuit filed by Cynthia A. Wiess, et al against Margaret Sturrock Wiess, she alleged that 160 acres taken over by Margaret were Napoleon's and hers as his widow.
      1870 census, TX, Jasper county, sub 23, p 29; 497, July 16
      WIESS, Margaret, 56, F, W, Keeping House, Scotland
      WIESS, Valentine, 24, M, W, Dry goods merchant, Texas
      WIESS, Mary E., 19, F, W, Texas
      WIESS, Massena, 21, M, W, Dry goods Merchant, Texas
      WIESS, Elizabeth E., 19, F, W, Texas
      WIESS, Ann E., 18, F, B, Domestic Servant, Texas
      Burks, James, 18, M, W, Farm Laborer, North Carolina
      WIESS, Joseph, 27, M, W, North Carolina
      WIESS, Catherine, 21, F, W, Texas
      WIESS, Matilda, 6, F,, W, Texas
      WIESS, Laura, 5, F, W, Texas
      WIESS, Milton, 4, M, W, Texas
      WIESS, Kittie, 2/12, F, W, Texas, b. April, 1870
      WIESS, Julius, 2/12, M, W, Texas, b. April, 1870
      WIESS, Napoleon, 31, M, W, Steam Boat Captain, $400 property, $2000 personal, Texas
      WIESS, Cynthia, 24, F, W, Keeping House, Arkansas
      WIESS, William S., 8, M, W, Texas
      WIESS, Edward S., 6, M, W, Texas
      WIESS, Martha A., 4, F, W, Texas
      WIESS, Margaret, 2, F, W, Texas
      1880 census, Jasper county, Texas, ed 39, pct 4, (T9-1313, 12), p. 164B
      June 15, 1880, HH 99/99
      WIESS, Cynthia A., W, F, 34, widowed, keeping house, AR, AR, AR
      WIESS, William S., W, M, 17, son, mail carrier, TX, TX, AR
      WIESS, Margarett I, W, F, 11, daughter, 1, at home, TX, TX, AR
      WIESS, Walter, W, M, 5, son, single, TX, TX, AR
      PICKEL, Thomas R, W, M, 30, boarder, single, rafting timber, GA, NC, GA
      McVAY, Isabele, W, F, 30, boarder, widowed, TX, NC, Ireland
      McVAY, Robert L, W, M, 9, boarder, TX, Ireland, TX
      McVAY, Mary E, W, F, 3, boarder, TX, Ireland, TX
      (There is no indication of the marital status of William -- he married Amy Sims circa 1880, but she is not living with them if they're married at the time of the census.)
      lines 38-41; dwelling/household 100/100
      ???, Joe, B, M, 35, farmer, NC, NC, ??
      ???, Lossia(?), B, F, 40, wife, keeping house, Gia, Gia, Gia
      SAUNDERS, Matilda, B, F, 18, Ward, at home, TX, NC, MS
      SAUNDERS, Lossia, B, F, 15, ward, at home, TX, NC, MS
      lines 42-44; dwelling/household 101/101
      WIESS, Margaret, W, F, 65, widowed, merchant, Scotland, Scotland, Scotland
      COFFIN, Pauline, W, F, 40, daughter, widowed, keeping house, TX, Poland, Scotland
      SAUNDERS, James W, W, M, 40, single, boarder, clerk in store, FL, GA, GA
      lines 45-47; dwelling/household 102/102
      PIERCE, Aaron, W, M, 65, widowed, farmer, MS, TN, TN
      PIERCE, Thomas, W, M, 7, son, TX, MS, IL
      MILLER, John N, W, M, 46, working in farm, Via, Via, Via
      lines 48-50; dwelling/household 103/103
      FIELDER, Em??? R, W, M, 45, works in timber ???, AL, AL, GA
      FIELDER, Martha A.R., W, F, 18, wife, keeping house, LA, AL, AL
      FIELDER, Early P, W, M, 2, son, TX, AL, LA
    Family ID F547  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 Mary Mellissa "Nannie" Sims,   b. Apr 08, 1861, Blakely, Miller county, Georgia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Mar 11, 1889, Beaumont, Jefferson county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 27 years) 
    Married circa 1880 
     1. Amy Lea Wiess,   b. Mar 02, 1882, Cairo, Jasper county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Sep 13, 1958, Houston, Harris county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 76 years)
     2. William Napoleon "Bud" Wiess,   b. Dec 16, 1883, Mount Carmel, Tyler county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Jul 21, 1903, Village Mills (near Kirbyville, Texas) Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 19 years)
     3. Thomas Edward Wiess,   b. Mar 21, 1888, Beaumont, Jefferson county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Jun 17, 1889, Mount Carmel, Tyler county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 1 years)
    Family ID F583  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 2 Dora Bumstead,   b. Feb 10, 1871, Hardin county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Mar 26, 1951, Silsbee, Hardin county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 80 years) 
    Married Dec 21, 1891  Sharon, Hardin county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    • Notation in their family Bible:  "Married Dec. 23rd 1891 at Sharon Hardin Co. Tex  Dora Bumstead to Willie S. Wiess of Beaumont Texas"
    • -
      1900 census, TX, Hardin, pct 2, ed 10, 12-B, June 27, 12-A & B, June 26-27
      -- HH 216-224
      BUMSTEAD, M, head, W, M, Jan 1856, 44, m 11 yrs, TX, NY, GA, farmer
      BUMSTEAD, Seawillow, wife, W, F, ??, 32, m 11 yrs, TX, TX, TX
      BUMSTEAD, Jane, dau, June 1882, 18, TX, TX, TX
      BUMSTEAD, Richard, son, Nov 1883, 16, TX, TX, T
      SATCHER, Carrie, step-dau, Feby 1887, 13, TX, TX, TX
      BUMSTEAD, Walter S, son, Aug 1889, 10, TX, TX, TX
      BUMSTEAD, Claude S, son, Jan 1892, 9, TX, TX, TX
      BUMSTEAD, Audry, dau, Nov 1891, 8, TX, TX, TX
      BUMSTEAD, Jim, son, Feby 1895, 5, TX, TX, TX
      -- HH 217/225
      BUMSTEAD, Joseph, head, W, M, Feby 1850, 50, m 28 yrs, TX, NY, GA
      BUMSTEAD, Mary E, wife, W, F, July 1851, 48, m 28 yrs, 11/6 children, TX, TN, SC
      BUMSTEAD, Carl, Dec 1873, 26, TX, TX, TX
      HOOKS, Ola, dau, Dec 1875, 24, widowed, TX, TX, TX
      BUMSTEAD, Ida, dau, Oct 1878, 21, TX, TX, TX
      BUMSTEAD, Maud, dau, Dec 1881, 18, TX, TX, TX
      HOOKS, Vernon C, g-son, Jan 1893, 7, TX, TX, TX
      -- HH 218/226
      MITCHELL, William, head, W, M, Apr 1870, 30, m 11 yrs, TN, FL, FL
      MITCHELL, Ella, wife, W, F, May 1869, 31, m 11 yrs, 7 children, TX, NJ, FL
      MITCHELL, Benjamin, son, Aug 1889, 10, TX, TN, TX
      MITCHELL, Morad, son, Sept 1891, 8, TX, TN, TX
      MITCHELL, Mabel, dau, Oct 1893, 6, TX, TN, TX
      MITCHELL, Ella May, dau, May 1896, TX, TN, TX
      MITCHELL, Bertha, dau, Apr 1898, 2, TX, TN, TX
      MITCHELL, Dora, dau, Mch 1900, 2/12, TX, TN, TX
      -- HH 216/226
      FAIRCHILD, Olia, head, W, F, Jun 1864, 36, widowed, 8/6 children, TX, NY, --
      FAIRCHILD,Ezra, son, Nov 1881, 18, TX, TX, TX
      FAIRCHILD, Jennie, dau, May 1883, 17, TX, TX, TX
      FAIRCHILD, Rubie, dau, Jan 1884, 16, TX, TX, TX
      FAIRCHILD, Ettie, dau, Oct 1888, 11, TX, TX, TX
      FAIRCHILD, Nellie, dau, Nov 1893, 6, TX, TX, TX
      FAIRCHILD, Hanry May, dau, July 1870, TX, TX, TX
      -- HH 217/227
      BUMSTEAD, Henry, head, W, M, Aug 1865, 34, m 6 yrs, TX, NY, GA
      BUMSTEAD, Nancy A, wife, W, F, --, 21, m 6 yrs, 3/2 children, TX, --, --
      BUMSTEAD, Minnie Lee, dau, Dec 1845, 4, TX, TX, TX
      BUMSTEAD, Nora C, dau, W, F, Feby 1898, 2, TX, TX, TX
      -- HH 218/228
      BUMSTEAD, Jane, head, W, F, --, 71, FL
      -- HH 218/229
      WIESS, Dora, head, W, F, Feby 1871, 28, widowed, 2 children, TX, NY, FL
      WIESS, Jessie, dau, Sept 1892, 7, TX, TX, TX
      WIESS, Willie S, son, May 1894, 6, TX, TX, TX
     1. Jessie Wiess,   b. Sep 24, 1892, Hooks Switch, Hardin county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Nov 30, 1970, Port Arthur, Jefferson county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 78 years)
     2. Willie Simon Wiess, II,   b. May 14, 1894, Hardin county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Oct 03, 1952, Kountze, Hardin county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 58 years)
    Family ID F492  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Photos
    Wiess, Willie Simon (1862-1893)
    Wiess, Willie Simon (1862-1893)

    Hooks Sawmill Explodes -- 3 killed
    Hooks Sawmill Explodes -- 3 killed
    Newspaper Article
    Bumstead, Dora -- Family Bible
    Wiess, Willie Simon -- Family Bible
    The family Bible of Dora Bumstead Wiess and Willie Simon Wiess
    The Bible of Willie Wiess & Dora Bumstead
    The Bible of Willie Wiess & Dora Bumstead
    PDF version for printing

  • Sources 
    1. [S420] Pavalock, Ann Comminsky, email 8-14-2000.

    2. [S2126] Napoleon Bonaparte Wiess; W.T. Block,

    3. [S143] Bible of Dora Bumstead and Willie W. Wiess.

    4. [S14] 1870 US federal census, 1870 census, TX, Jasper county, sub 23, p 29; 497, July 16.

    5. [S135] 1880 US federal census, 1880 census, Jasper county, Texas, ed 39, pct 4, (T9-1313, 12), p. 164B.