Notes |
- In 1860, Jeptha Fuson is on the Auburn, Fayette county, Iowa census, 29, a cooper, living in the household of Sylvander Wood, 62, of Vermont (M653-322, p. 28-29).
1880 census, CA, Santa Clara, San Jose, p. 6, sd 1, ed 242, (T9-81, p.3)
June 2, 1880, HH 49/48
Fuson, Jeptha, W, M, 46, carpenter, OH, SC, NC?
" , Eunice, W, F, 44, wife, NY, NY, VT?
" , Daniel 7, son, KS
" , Almo, 5, son, KS
1900 census, CA, Alameda, Alameda, ed 320, 1-B, (T623-81, p.158)
June 13, 1900, 1205 9t St., HH 250/285
Fuson, Jeptha, head, W, M, Nov 1832, 67, m 27 yrs, OH, SC, NC
" , Eunice, wife, W, F, Sept 1835, 64, m 27 yrs, 2/2 children, NY, US, VT
" , Dan, son, Apr 1874, 26, KS