Notes |
- From "History of Macon County" by Louise F. Hays, on pages113, 114 & 115 I find:
"History of The Lutheran Churches Of Macon County:"
In this article it mentions, "other settlers came from the Carolinas, including the Coogles, Clouds, Collins, Shealys, McBrides, Huffmans, Williams, Helvingstons, Smiths, Wickers, Tarrers." Further in the article, In the church yard was a cemetery and years after the church was moved, people continued to use it. John McBride and Jim Coogle were brought home from the war and buried here. TOM COOGLE, the donor of the land, and his wife, BETSY [grandparents of Mr. D. P. Coogle, Mrs. Nan Shealy and Mrs. Catherine Allen, all of Oglethorpe] were also buried here. Mrs. Mattie Coogle now owns the old church site, and there are traces of the old cemetery still preserved on her land.