
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Family: James Monroe Love / Bradley Camp Cloud (F72865)

m. Apr 17, 1912

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  • Father | Male
    James Monroe Love

    Born  Nov 01, 1888   
    Died  Apr 12, 1928  Fort Worth, Tarrant county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
    Married  Apr 17, 1912  Garvin county, Oklahoma, USA Find all individuals with events at this location

    Mother | Female
    Bradley Camp Cloud

    Born  Jun 23, 1895  Chickasha, Chickasaw Nation, I.T., USA Find all individuals with events at this location
    Died  Jun 12, 1968  Austin, Travis county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
    Other Spouse  Joseph Tyre Sneed, Jr. | F72867 
    Father  Hopkins D. Cloud | F72863 Group Sheet 
    Mother  Ella Camp | F72863 Group Sheet 

    Child 1 | Female
    Mary Eleanor Love

    Born  Nov 12, 1916   
    Died  May 30, 1950   
    Spouse  Henry Lyle Pemberton, Jr. | F72866 

    Child 2 | Female
    Dorothy Kent Love

    Born  Dec 31, 1919  Oklahoma, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
    Died  May 02, 1987  Riverside county, California, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
    Spouse  Richard Byron Brown | F72870 
    Married  May 30, 1939  Lubbock, Lubbock county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location

    Child 3 | Female
    Mary Elizabeth Love

    Born  May 04, 1927  Fort Worth, Tarrant county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
    Died  May 08, 1983  Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
    Spouse  James | F72868 
    Spouse  Custis Robert Garner, Jr. | F72871 
    Married  Oct 15, 1944  Amarillo, Potter county, Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location

  • Notes 
    • -
      1900 census, I.T., Chickasaw Nation, Pauls Valley, ed 135, 2-B, June 9
      HH 18
      HAMM, Thomas I, head, W, M, Nov 1869, 30, m 4 yrs, AL, --, --, agent, Choctaw by marriage
      HAMM, Ellanor, wife, W, F, Aug 1877, 22, m 4 yrs, IT, LA, IT, Choctaw, father white, mother Choctaw, 15/16 white
      HAMM, Bradley, dau, June 1893, 6, IT TX, IT, Choctaw, father white, mother Choctaw, 31/32 white
      HILL, Alex, servant, B, M, Aug 1873, 26, TX, TX, TX, servant
      1930 census, TX, Tarrant, Fort Worth, ed 220-21, 10-B, April 5
      1216 Pennsylvania Ave, HH 129
      LOVE, Bradley, head, F, W, 34, widowed, m 17 yrs, OK, U.S. OK
      LOVE, Mary E, dau, 13, OK, IL, OK
      LOVE, Dorothy, dau, 11, OK, IL, OK
      LOVE, Betty, dau, 2-11/12, TX, IL, OK

      The wedding of Miss Bradley Hamm and Mr. James Love, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Love, of this city, was brilliantly celebrated Wednesday, April 17, at 10 o'clock, at the Presbyterian church in Paul's Valley.
      The church was beautifully decorated and the bride was attended by a number of close friends as bridesmaids.
      Immediately after the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Love left for a wedding trip to Kansas City and other points.  They have both been guests of their sister, Mrs. R. O. Wallace, in Atlanta, and ar now the guests of his sister, Mrs. Henry Howse, in Birmingham.  Later they will come to Chattanooga to visit the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Love, who attended the wedding.  As Mrs. Love, the bride will be welcomed to Chattanooga by a host of friends of the bridegroom, who, during his residence here, was one of the most popular boys in the younger social set.
      Mrs. Love comes from one of the most prominent families in Oklahoma and was one of the most popular girls in her home town.  Mr. Love is not engaged in business in Paul's Valley.
      Mr. Love is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Love, of Chattanooga, and was raised in Chattanooga, where he received his early education.
      The Chattanooga News, Chattanooga, Tennessee ? Friday, April 26, 1912