
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

     State of Alabama } Probate Court of
Macon County - } Macon County
To the Hon P. S. Holt, Judge of Probates

     The Petition of the undersigned respectively
so presents, That Noah V. Cloud, late a resident
of Knoxville, Georgia departed this
Life during the year 1877 - in the state
of Georgia, but leaving assets in the
State of Alabama in said County of
Macon. He further alleges that there
are creditors of said estate residing
in Macon County - Alabama, and
that there is necessity for administration
upon said estate-
     He therefore respectfully ------- your
honor for an order appointing
the county administrators, R. J. Thorton,
Administrator of said estate-

--------- to and
----------- before me
Jan 19/'78         R H Abercrombie
P. S. Holt
Judge Probate