
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

The Bible of William Washington Whittington

John Whittington was bornd March the 24th day 1799.
   Sarah Nelson, wife of John Whittington, was bornd June the 3rd 1800 and departed this life May the 4th 1857 and we were married September the 21st 1817

Engelina Franquery wife of John Whittington was bornd October the 11th 1844 and departed this life August the 13th 1867 and we were married January the 6th 1859

Emily Whittington was bornd December the 31st 1859 daughter of John and Engelina Whittington

Ophelia Whittington was bornd May the 19th 1861

William Washington Whittington was bornd February 25th 1863.

Matilda Whittington was bornd May the 2nd 1864.

Elisha Whittington was bornd February the 3rd 1866.

Written by Thomas R. Carroll October the 10th 1871

Mrs. Boyd Fitzhugh Whittington wrote:
   (Children of John Whittington -- Sarah and Engelina.  This was taken from a sheet of paper in my husband's father's family Bible.  My husband was Boyd Fitzhugh W, son of Wm. Washington Whittington.)


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