The GEDCOM 5.5 standard
in Windows Help File format: |
The home of the Gedcom 5.5 standard in Windows Help File format.
| |
It has a complete table of contents and index and provides the ability to do a boolean search across the entire document, highlighting the located search terms, allows changing font size, has forward and back navigation, and other features.
Requires Microsoft Windows. |
If the Help window doesn't look like the image at right, please write
me (click on it for a larger image). |
Download the Windows Help format of the GEDCOM 5.5 standard here -
gedcom55.zip |
Unzip this file into a directory of your choice. The file name
is gedcom55.chm.
Right-click on the file and choose "Create Shortcut". Rename the shortcut to something useful like "Gedcom 5.5". The shortcut can be placed in your Start menu or in any folder where you need to reference the Gedcom standard. |
Other GEDCOM resources: |
GEDCOM FAQ (FamilySearch.org) |
GEDCOM 5.5 standard in HTML format |
I find the "chm" (Windows Help) format more helpful than HTML or PDF formats. I hope it makes your endeavors a little easier.
(Tom Cloud - email webmaster at mykindred.com) |